
Anyone who lists their credentials in their email signature for internal mail is almost certainly a retard and not to be trusted.

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@RegalBeagle Or, they're just to lazy to change the signature line for internal vs external emails
@RegalBeagle The problem with the lazy and retarded is they don't know/care they're lazy and retarded.

@Monsignor_DickFace I'm also lazy and retarded, but I don't go around advertising it with my email signatures. Back in my day, lazy retards had class, dammit!



Your jeremiad against credentialism violates our DEI policy. Please report to the cafeteria for sentencing.

Christian Pfister, AIDS, HIV, LSD, DSM-V

@amerika You're gonna have to send the OSHA deathsquads after me, because I'm not going quietly.


We have scheduled you for 8,192 hours of tolerance training, aggression management, feminist studies, and DEI learning.

Please adjust your schedule according.

Linda Wong-Martinez
Human Resources
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