@RegalBeagle >police interrogation footage, 2027
Q: and when you left that day, did you bring your phone?
A: no
Q: that's weird, isn't it?
A: I don't think so
Q: don't most people bring their phones everywhere with them? That's what it's for, right?
A: I don't use my phone like that
Q: it leaves you without an alibi for the murder.
A: I don't plan my life around murders I didn't do, either.
Q: do you always leave your phone home?
A: not always, but I don't keep it on me.
Q: why not?
A: because I don't want some it explode one day because of some insane terrorist-state bullshit
(cops share looks)
>on a date, 2025
her: wired headphones, really?
me: the wire isn't that inconvenient, and it means it doesn't need a battery
her: it's not that inconvenient to charge a battery
me: some drooling evil retards in Israel might make a battery explode
her: *leftism triggered* you're right, they are evil! And dumb!