@Bad_Banner Ah, the classic confused internet butthurt. A tale as old as time.

@RegalBeagle The nigga has a whole thread devoted to him on KF; If I really need to see what he's up to I can check there. I don't even follow the guy.
@Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle IIRC his (ex?)GF logged into his account while he was sleeping and publicly outed him as a coomer despite his strict anti-porn stance. Many other sensible chuckles in the KF thread.

@Bad_Banner @TrevorGoodchild Sad to hear that. I used to watch his stuff a few years ago, but haven't kept up with him. After the adpocalypse, I figured anyone still on Youtube was either censoring themselves or controlled so I switched to Bitchute.

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@RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild To be fair to the man: his Metal Mythos videos are great. I learned a lot of good shit about Bathory, Judas Priest, Accept, etc. and generally has good taste in metal. I respect the man for that.

But as a political guy he's fucking retarded and is also takes himself way too seriously.
@Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild His Metal Mythos series is cool, but he had several ice cold takes on Iron Maiden, and he hasn't done a Mythos in ages. We're probably never getting the solo Ozzy or solo Dio episodes he once promised.
@NitroDubs @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild Dude was getting half a million views for those videos, his Black Sabbath one is almost 1 million. People like that shit so yeah there's definitely one.
@Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild There was already a hole in the market simply because he hates Thrash Metal. If I didn't value my privacy so much I'd get on this.
@NitroDubs @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild I haven't dove too much into Thrash, I like some speed metal (early Bathory stuff obviously), but I've only touched around it with Blackened Thrash

@Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild Thrash encompasses an absolute pile of bands beyond just the Big Four and the Teutonic Three, and had a brief resurgence in the 2010's. I think Razorfist's dislike of the genre has more to do with the popularity of Metallica and the cold takes of Kerry King than anything to do with their respective sounds.
@NitroDubs @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild I knew he had a disliked about Death Metal (he calls them sweaty manchildren who wear camo too much), but that's so weird to have that mentality about Thrash when Bathory used elements of that in their own music.
@rdr @Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild Any of the extreme metal genres have extreme vocals. In general I prefer the style used in Black Metal to the style used in Death Metal, though I'm also of the opinion that if you're going to bother to write and sing lyrics it should be in a way that I can understand them.
When I was younger I couldn't get into the King. Now my ears have lost the highs, I think he's great.
@Bad_Banner @NitroDubs @RegalBeagle @TrevorGoodchild Deicide is an edgy name. Are they fans of Nietzsche?

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Yet his shadow still looms. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives; who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves?
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