why do niggers think that harris means just whites when she says that they'll come into your house to check up on your guns and private property
@Thickasabrick @wizardmanperson i think certain cities yes they'll sweep through the whole place, but only ones they want to keep for themselves, i think the rest they'll basically deputize them to be terror cells and irregulars for the state like they are now, probably give them grenades and shit

but yea i do think a lot of niggers will be rounded up for population control and security reasons

the feds dont care

or they'll just send them at heavily armed whites as a first wave, that could also be, but i dont think they'll get a pass no
@wizardmanperson @Thickasabrick there's def a lot in play

like we tend to think of the rifles whites probably hold, but whites also hold the most field guns in private hands in the world, and figure yea these politicians talk tough, but they gonna stick around and be the big girl boss when 19th century shot is raining down on them?

chad wright talks about how with 1000 guys he could sack the country, and i believe him

things are way more bright for the citizenry than the powers that be want us to believe, its daunting but we're far from helpless or harmless

its gonna be alright either way in the long run, history says these fucks dont live long

@dictatordave @Thickasabrick @wizardmanperson It's all fun and games until someone starts popping transformers and substations.

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@RegalBeagle @Thickasabrick @wizardmanperson exactly
one doesn't have to destroy the data center, just the fiber in the manhole outside of it, in minecraft

and then what is this flailing goon of a gov going to do without comms? go ape shit on everyone? good luck, then they'll have the un up their asses in hopes they also dont get over thrown

@dictatordave @Thickasabrick @wizardmanperson We've bought off the UN, but when the hyperinflation hits, we may not be able to keep them bought off.

If China/Russia/Iran wanted to cause chaos, they just need to take down EBT. If niggers can't get their Colt 45s and Black&Milds, they'll riot.

@RegalBeagle @Thickasabrick @wizardmanperson yea that's an excellent point as well, there's a growing number of poor people who i guess the gov thinks will just stay in line for the bread line but of course that's antiquated thinking, niggers will seriously just chimp out

clearly the feds havn't learned much from their own covid and blm operations

and there wont be any court hearings for whites who shoot nigs because the courts wont be able to come to session because leftists and nigs will either burn them or take them over, which the feds already set a precedent in allowing them to do

i guess democrats think they can just mother these idiots into line or something, lol good luck in the ape cage stupid
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