@SuperDicq @thatbrickster @taylan

Excellent, now let's do "biology is real" with social class and race!


@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] I'm not sure what you're on about. I'm not denying that that there are biological differences between ethnicity. They are very obvious to see.

I don't believe we should treat people differently based on those features tho.

@SuperDicq @thatbrickster @amerika @taylan If those biological differences affect IQ(and they do), how can you treat everyone the same when some groups are incapable of even understanding what that treatment would be?

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] You don't treat everyone literally exactly the same obviously. People are individuals and you should treat someone how they want to be treated and vice versa. Treating people with prejudice based on ethnic stereotypes is something that most people don't really appreciate so you probably shouldn't do that if you want to be friendly. Kindergarten shit yo.

@SuperDicq @thatbrickster @amerika @taylan The Golden rule is fine and dandy, but you're still going to end up with a multi-tiered society. Some demographics are largely unable to navigate the complexities of US tax code or obtain high level certifications and licenses to advance in their careers. Some demographics are largely not even capable of navigating western social norms.

Ignoring these differences is a recipe for disaster, as we are finding.

@RegalBeagle @SuperDicq @thatbrickster @taylan

Even more, the bottom line: if you import a foreign ethnic group, you replace your own through admixture. Diversity is genocide.

@amerika @taylan @SuperDicq @thatbrickster Subpar demographics need to get good genes in them somehow. If you want to racemix, fine, but do it over there, not here.

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