Understand the topsy-turvy logic of Israel-haters.

Israel could defeat Hezbollah on the battlefield, with massive force and inevitable civilian harm. Or it could eliminate Hezbollah combatants by blowing up small devices held up against their heads.

Which do you prefer?

RT: https://seal.cafe/objects/d73d04f6-7cd5-40e7-adcc-4cb49690a403
@william Ooh, I got a quote post. Must have really upset you.

Perhaps I made a point that your NPC brain wasn't programmed to handle?
Moi? The NPC?

So when Israel uses precision strikes, it's terrorism.

When Israel goes on the ground with an army, it's terrorism.

And when Israel detonates small devices that mostly will be on enemy combatants it is, wouldn't you guess it, terrorism.

But Hezbollah can rain down indiscriminate rockets and Hamas can light houses with children inside them on fire and that's resistance.

The problem isn't how Israel is defending itself, it's that Israel is the one doing it.

@william @vic Israel attacked the USS Liberty to try and drag our nation into supporting their war against the Arabs back in 1967. Now they bribe our politicians with our own tax payer dollars to get us dragged into even more wars to waste our blood and treasure. Iran will finish the work Hadrian started as soon as the US blinks, and that day can't come soon enough.

@RegalBeagle @william @vic can we revisit op for a minute
>israel haters
funny how there's so much kike cock sucking going on when the state of israel is the biggest colonial scam of the 20th century, but big brain niggers really think they've got ya when they say shit like antisemetism, they just prove they dont know dick from fuck about history

@dictatordave @william @vic I become apoplectic knowing that at no level of the Israeli military, from the intel analysts, to the mission planners, to the pilots dropping the bombs were there any qualms backstabbing an ally. Traitors deserve to burn in the deepest layer of hell.

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@RegalBeagle @william @vic there's a list of countries that have fukt the us more after the us was involved in regime change and the us regime did worse

clearly the masters of the us reside in israel, then you have the duel citizen bullshit on top of that, i guess congress members think they'll make it out of this country and flee to israel
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