Since so many misogynistic right wing American males are praising the Taliban's treatment of women and writing comments like "Based. We should do this to women in America." in response to videos about the Taliban banning Afghan women from speaking in public, it's clear that these men don't actually believe in freedom of speech(the first amendment). Like I said, it's ONLY American men, out of all western men, who would wish for Taliban laws in America on their women. You don't see Canadian, British or Australian white men acting this misogynistic. These hypocritical American men complain about being silenced yet they want to silence women. What kind of nonsense is that? I mean there is even a quote saying "If you cut out a man's tongue, you aren't proving him wrong. You are just showing that you are afraid of what he might say." A MAN's tongue. Not a PERSON's tongue, so that quote, advocating for free speech, doesn't apply to women. Only men. These American men believe in 'freedom' for themselves and not women. No worries, women. My site, FemiNuremberg(although it's not a country but just a website) operates on reverse-Taliban or reverse-sharia and you can say whatever you want about men, no matter how misandrist it is, while the men will have to watch what they say about women, or they get instantly banned. Even if my site approaches the popularity of YouTube, I will still keep this double standard due to the double standards of these misogynists.

@Fandar So you're just making twitter again?

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@RegalBeagle No. I made another video hosting site and I hope YouTube crashes and burns.
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