Samus has done it! Our #1 Seed successfully defended her title, becoming a two-time #BestVidyaGirlContest Champion, and now retires after showing EVERYONE that she truly is the greatest video game girl of all time. Zelda had been looking amazing throughout the entire contest and steamrolled every single opponent on her way to the tournament final, but that meant absolutely nothing when going up against Samus, who put Hyrule’s crown princess over her knee and vigorously spanked dat Zeldass for 24 hours straight. Samus always impresses, but seems to save her single greatest performances for when she faces her strongest challengers, and against Zelda this applied more than ever: the Metroid heroine beat Zelda so soundly that Huryle’s finest now somehow looks weaker than *Etna*.

Even after last year, I kinda figured that people anti-voting the obvious favorite and current champion, plus an influx of powerful newcomers (like Misty, Marisa and of course, Zelda) would be enough to stop Samus from repeating – and her first match with Etna definitely suggested that would be the case. But it turns out that Samus was only toying with our emotions; by round 2, Unbeatable 2023 Samus was clearly back.

I’m actually kinda glad people voted to let Samus defend her title, because after this year’s tournament, she can now retire knowing there is NOTHING left for her to prove: after beating powerful Meme girls like Momiji, Reimu and Tamamo last year, this time it was core gaming girls like Tifa, Pyra and Zelda who ended up being crushed by vidya’s ultimate heroine. Samus has scored the single biggest win in tournament history (76% - 24% against DDLC Yuri), gotten more votes than any other girl in tournament history (222 votes in her 2023 final against Tamamo), AND scored more votes in the 2024 than any other girl even came close to achieving.

And of course, Samus retires from the best vidya girl contest with a perfect 10 – 0 record. No girl ever managed more than 46% against Samus, and Etna’s brief 6-vote lead during the first few minutes of 2024’s opening match is the most she has ever trailed an opponent. Over the course of 240 hours, Samus spent maybe a combined total of 4 of them actually having to put in Effort against an opponent. Of course, having a girl dominate these tournaments to this extent is on one level pretty damn boring, but on the other hand you can’t help but be in awe of the sheer Greatness you’re bearing witness to.

All that being said, Samus truly goes out with a bang – and given how great of a job her fans did supporting her during the final, I’d say they made sure to make the most of the Aryan’s last regular contest appearance. But of course, Samus being retired from the main tournament doesn’t mean she’s gone for good: next year she’ll be facing the BestVidyaGirlContest 2025 Champion in a bonus match, where the title of Grand Champion will be on the line, and Samus will surely welcome this additional opportunity to enhance her already glorious legacy.

@ChristiJunior Doing the lord's work, fren. Thank you!

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