I came here expecting something actually progressive, not packed with sexist, anti-LGBTQ assholes who think that’s what feminism is. But hey, at least the Soapbox front end’s solid. Might even host with it, who knows?

RT: https://spinster.xyz/objects/27e64865-570d-421b-896b-894226e1af86
@willadams @spinster Ok, I'll bite.
I'm confounded by your choice of words, because AFAIK there isn't a single homophobic woman on this site. And I guess women's disdain against their abusers, rapists & oppressors can be seen as "sexist" if one is vitamin deficient enough.
But you're acting like we rape men and throw lesbians off the roof here.
@kj00 @spinster This is a strawman fallacy—I never said you were throwing lesbians off roofs. You guys really need to make better arguments. As for what I did say, I’m doubling down. Transphobic ideology is rooted in misogyny. The mere idea that 'womanface' could be a concept, for example, reduces women to makeup and dresses, which is inherently sexist. And all the talking points you use—groomers, indoctrination—are recycled homophobic rhetoric from the Reagan era. Forty years from now, history will not look back fondly on you.
Haha you are a faggot. History will look back on people like us as heroes for destroying the faggot movement and all of its child grooming forever. The book burnings will just be digital this time. ​

@matty @kj00 @spinster @willadams Burning silicon is not nearly as satisfying.

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