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Let's be fair Milo Yiannopoulos is why I'm here today boys. That flaming homosexual even got saved and came to Jesus and no longer fucks black men. Pretty based
No bro. Hes obviously trad now. Didnt you see his twitter?
Uhhhhh that's not true were talking about him right now and gamer gate got trump elected.
I read all of Dangerous Faggot and it has some decent points
@Dudebro @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @Monsignor_DickFace @demonofustio @justnormalkorean Imagine reading something called Dangerous Faggot and thinking you're doing anything other than indulging in a gay home's gay homo fantasy
Dude it was like he was channeling the powers of Rush Limbaugh. I know Rush was alive during the time it was written but it was just so fucking good.
I'll never forget Ben Shapiro's zinger. Asking that woman well why are more men in prison than women, because they're more violent she answered. Then he asked why are more Black people in prison than white people and she just sat there with her mouth open.
I do sorta miss old breitbart when theyd tell people to form militias at the border n shiet.
You could day absolutely wild shit on the internet in 2014-2015
Storefront and old fag Chan know how much shit you can get away in the auts. Holy shit I miss the Internet before women and niggers got on
Now we gotta hide in the fedi bunkers fending off cops and gab niggers for funny poasting.
Hey guys do you wanna talk about playing some Warhammer space marine two? Didn't you know that there's Jews everywhere there's Jews and there's a nigger too so there's Jews and Jews and there's a woman and Jews no fun allowed. Hey did I mention I want to make a rape is a little white girl so I can have a white girl harem that's eight years old?
Yeah there's actually a entire space marine chapter called the fists. if I recall they have a higher HP to take it in the ass
40k niggers are cooked. Its like edgy nerd shit the game. Why don't they just have shadow the hedgehog run 40k world instead of the emperor or whatever?
@transgrammaractivist @Dudebro @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @Monsignor_DickFace @demonofustio @justnormalkorean The people who don't like 40k really overstate how much the people who do like 40k claim its baded

Imagine that

it's just a setting and franchise that's relatively free of pozz compared to others at this point in time and they day fun stuff like "death to the filthy xenos"
I was in a discussion with a guy who went hard for hours on why it's actually super based from a Christian perspective and not fedora tier (the emperor debated the last priest and killed him with facts and logic and everyone clapped)
"This sounds like a really mean spirited parody of religion written by Reddit Supremo"
"Bro they got walking cathedrals"
"1000 human sacrifices a day sounds satanic"
"Bro if they stop everyone dies"
"Aztecs thought that too"
your number is extremely low. It's millions if not billions a day at this point in the war. The thousands were like the first couple years after he died.
Thats so dumb billions of people? Are they growing more in vats?
Growing them in vats is actually against imperial edict. Unless of course you are the space World War I Germans then it's perfectly fine and we don't talk about it except how based it is. But no they just have such a fuck off huge population that they use Russian and Chinese military tactics. Their population is in the quadrillions of not septillions
Honestly what do you expect from a liberal fantasy world? It keeps eluding people to the fact that it was made by libshits. it was probably a holocaust reference or some shit tbh
I hate wacky epic scale shit like that. Its like the flash moving in a pico second or whatever. Its just dumb.
The scale is due to the fact they can write whatever and have 0 consequences. Its lazy writing at its best.
>Wait didn't you loose an entire sector?
>Yeah but we got thousands bro
George lucas made the best scifi universe and everything since is either a cope for that or just gay
Dosney fucked up the expanded universe too. they had all the fucking post war material they ever could have used but noooooooo women need to write instead. So no fucking outer universe invasion or Tyber Zaan or Thrawn
I mean they literally just used all that shit but gayed it up
Nope everything past the original and prequil trilogy doesn't exist and I dont know what they used.

@transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @Dudebro @DEERBLOOD @demonofustio @justnormalkorean @Monsignor_DickFace Hey now, he was also completely fucking retarded. The paintchip huffers they have chained to the radiator in the writing room are incapable of writing an intelligent character.

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The Director is a woman who said she wanted to make her own universe of course it's going to be Batshit retarded. Everybody needs to be included and it's not about war. Even though it's in the fucking title.
Oh wow its like religion and our ancestors were right that women do nothing outside the home who knew
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