@jeffcliff @Hyperhidrosis I pay $12-14 for natural deodorant that's gots no alyouminiyums Innit.
Speed stick doesn't have aluminum. most of the gel types don't.

@Dudebro @catmanmancat @Hyperhidrosis @jeffcliff In the US, anything advertised as an antiperspirant will have aluminum in it. Avoid that and you're good.

@RegalBeagle @Dudebro @catmanmancat @Hyperhidrosis @jeffcliff bunch of fuckin faggots talkin about their lady scent bullshit


@dictatordave @Dudebro @catmanmancat @Hyperhidrosis @jeffcliff The less greasy neckbeards stinking up my local card shop the better. I've got a cardboard crack addiction.

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