"Why Web Components Failed"

What if the real reason that all these framework developers are against web components is because all of them have their entire professional life and wealth tied into the overwrought frameworks they developed in the absence of web components.
I have watched half the video so far and my feelings are mixed. Frameworks were developed to address limitations in the browser. web components were developed by people that didn't like or appreciate frameworks. someone at google did a survey of the web and determined "people that don't use frameworks are just hobbyists."

this is true but still fuck you. many developers opt out of "professional" web development because it's a nightmare. they are happy doing professional work where they don't have to work with unfunny jokes like javascript, npm, webpack.

@sun Just seeing 'webpack' in your post triggered me. Fuck webpack. JS and npm are okay, but maybe I've just developed Stockholm Syndrome.

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