The thing about CO2 and climate change is that Earth is not actually particularly hot right now based on its geological history. There's the potential for considerably disrupting civilization given how much we've built up along coastlines, and given how population's spiked dramatically since 1950 and could crash in the event of a major crisis, but rendering Earth uninhabitable just through CO2 emissions is a retarded notion.
It's all really just the age-old cycles of decadence and humanity becoming proud, then inevitably suffering divine wrath as part of the natural order of the world. Climate Change isn't a problem to be solved through gay race communism, it's a solution to the negative side effects of decadent socialism leading to an overproliferation of useless eaters bound to be culled when the seasons of history turn.
Like you can't seriously expect to deal with any sort of climate change, manmade or otherwise, if you have a culture of trannies and infinite gibs to 3rd worlders. A hardnosed, rational, and sexually conservative society could just go nuclear and/or move inland, but ours is too retarded and mentally unstable to deal with any meaningful challenges.
Shitlibs combat climate change by creating a society congenitally incapable of addressing any serious external threat, which invariably includes climate change.
@ArdainianRight Left-liberal environmental policies boil down to reducing quality of life in White countries and tanking their economies so that China and India can be free to pollute even more. :greta_anime:

@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight It's actually a pretty big brain play: Western countries standards of living collapse, people buy less imports because they're poor, less polluting imports need to be made/delivered.

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