
RUMINT is FBI has a list of ~400k US citizens to be immediately arrested in the event of martial law.

Does such a list exist? Probably.
Can the FBI arrest everyone at once? No.

That said, the FBI is incompetent enough to try so consider this: many J6 protestors are rotting in prison and still will be in prison when the order comes down. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. When the knock on the door comes, will you fight for your freedom or join the J6 political prisoners?

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@RegalBeagle I'd be astonished if the list is that small.

Local LE needs to be aware and afraid of carrying out those arrests.

@placebo The expectation of resistance is not the same as resistance. Too many weapons are lost in unfortunate boating accidents instead of being loaded and ready next to doors and nightstands.

@RegalBeagle Very true.

I have no illusions of surviving the encounter with the organs of state security. But if I have to choose the J6 route or meeting my fate on my feet like a man, then I just hope my courage holds when I'm out to the rest.

@placebo DEI works in our favor. If this is what passes for a presidential security detail these days, I like our odds.

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