why can't people just be flown out of western nc to a city of their choosing and stay at a hotel for a few weeks? the gov already knows how to do this, i'm not sure how its not possible to fly people domestically with identification when people are flown in internationally without it

oh right, they just hate whites that much

do not cry for these fucking sub humans or their collaborators when they get hanged

>flys sub 60 iq niggers into your small town
>can't fly people to another nearby regional airport with a military transport from down the way

yea get fukt fema niggers

@dictatordave The government's job is to get re-elected, not help the citizens. It used to be that helping citizens would get the government re-elected, but then they found a lifehack to where they don't need citizens anymore. If they import enough low-iq shitskins to keep voting for them, they get what they want - citizens be damned.

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