@PNS >i'm the adult in the room i'm the adult in the room
limp dick vibes to the max

this old fuck is lucky he didn't get his skull cracked

i'm not complying with the cops, what makes these boomer niggers think people should comply with them? faggots
@PNS i like how his voice flutters like an old woman
you can smell the fear on this guy

and what a faggot, calling the cops, be a man and deal with it yourself or stfu

@dictatordave @PNS He's riding a bike so he has more rights than us. This is clearly a man who's never had his ass beat, yet desperately needs an ass beating.

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@RegalBeagle @PNS >rights
when someone acts like a giant faggot in public they loose all 'right' to common decency much less some rules of the road bullshit

cyclists can get fukt, stay out of traffic, uppity 2 wheeled niggers
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