The concern for misinformation over the victims themselves aside, the fake staged video/call is inexcusable.

Does she expect Americans want four years of shitty teleplays to get by?

A lot of people wanted acceleration. I live in a traditionally deep red area. Lots of people here flipping sides just to see things fall apart.

@PNS @Frank @Chzikken_1486 if we're to have war lets have it now while i can still kill commies

and i've got 2 young kids to look after, i'd rather have the slaughter and horror now so they dont have to do it later

if harris is installed there's only 1 option, shooting our way out of the oligarchic tyranny they WILL install forever

its not like trump will be much better, the deep state will punish the people, so ultimately violence is the only option we have left

so again, lets have it now, because they've already wasted a bunch of my life with economic down turns and various other social engineering bullshit thats been a disaster, better to liquidate them now before they can escape

@dictatordave @Frank @PNS @Chzikken_1486 Your children will have to learn to kill their own commies. Classic parenting mistake: killing all the commies, then the kids don't know how to kill their own commies, so the next generation gets infiltrated.

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