What was that? Like Ice T's Bodycount?

I only bought that album bacause it had that PMRC sticker on it. But it did kind of rock...
@lord_nougat @LordOfTheKangs @PraxisOfEvil @Shadowbroker2135 @TeaTootler @verita84_automata that was early 90s but yeah I could see it in the same genre. I consider numetal to be Korn, Limp Bizkit, etc.
rap for White kids
Oh man, so many stories!

But this is not about me so I STFU now.
Very well. Self-doxx time.

I got me a job at a cafe in the late 80s; there was a bar where one of the owners who had died booked shows... I took over booking shows and Korn was the first band I ever booked.

The boss explained to me how bands always had to send a demo tape and we'd follow up. I told them "deemo tape", and they mentioned how they already played there before, so I waived that...

They were super cool dudes. Booked SO MANY cool bands after that. Many I forgot about, even! There was just a huge obnoxious "punk" show here right by our marina. Much inconvenient... Turns out Das Klown was one of the acts. Booked them, too!

Got to meet so many awesome bands in the late 80s / early 90s - I wish I hadn't let that go...
@lord_nougat @LordOfTheKangs @PraxisOfEvil @Shadowbroker2135 @TeaTootler @verita84_automata I loved seeing bands at small venues. I got to meet the dudes from Reverend Horton Heat and The Sword and Clutch and Les Claypool (when he was doing his Duo 'de Twang thing) and Nice Peter. The were all super awesome and down to earth. It was great.
Oh fuck yeah.

I tried a little to get the Reverend to play our place, but I was a huge drunk. I still am, but I also was then.

Mainly kyped bands from bigger clubs around by going there and drunkenly handing out my card. Different, better times!

Paid out the nose to get Les Thugs from France. And they had hardly any draw. Oh well... So many! So many GREAT bands nobody has heard of because they got all awesome and broke up or died or whatever! Close friends with some of them. But everybody hates my favorites. Too degenerate, perhaps.
@lord_nougat @LordOfTheKangs @PraxisOfEvil @Shadowbroker2135 @TeaTootler @verita84_automata RHH played Sacramento every time they toured. Either Ace of Spades or my favorite is Harlow's. TINY spot with a big back open air veranda and outside bar to chill at in between bands. Best place in town.
One of my favorites; they brought in lots of people at the time, and the after parties at their studio after the show were brilliant!
@lord_nougat @LordOfTheKangs @PraxisOfEvil @Shadowbroker2135 @TeaTootler @verita84_automata lol I've only been to a couple punk shows but they were always fun. I did see Butthole Surfers in Oakland once too. That was fucking weird. I drank a whole bottle of wine on the way and took shrooms and tripped balls the entire time.
@PraxisOfEvil @lord_nougat @LordOfTheKangs @Shadowbroker2135 @TeaTootler @verita84_automata Oddly enough, since 15 years ago my politics have basically come full circle. Voting is gay and nothing matters. I'm just more racist now.
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