So is this "Trump is mentally declining" the final attempt at an october surprise?
I think its just obvious from how he slurs his words now and rambles about random shit.
@transgrammaractivist Bruh, stop watching MSNBC, it's not good for the two poor last brain cells you have.

Trump is rambling approximately the same amount he always has. I have no problem with people hating him for logical reasons, like letting the J6 prisoners rot.
I dont watch msnbc the dude is almost 80. Its obvious hes declined since 2016.
@transgrammaractivist @sickburnbro He’s definitely declined since his prime but I don’t see how you could argue that he’s in a worse mental state than the permanently intoxicated mulatta prostitute
Boomerman hates the republicans more than just about anything so he reflexively latches on to any accusation regardless if it holds any water
@doctorsex @jimmybuffettfanaccount @transgrammaractivist Yeah, he has a severe case of jilted republican lover. It makes me laugh, then cringe. It's like a magical free internet tv show.
There are dozens upon dozens of reasonable criticisms to make of the republicans, which makes the whole "throw any stick you can" approach all the more baffling
I like boomerman. I think he's very entertaining. But god damn dude it is impossible to take him seriously on this stuff
Yes i enjoy fucking with people who posture and pretend to be some sorta right wing radical when theyre actually just a basic bitch republican voter. Why these people feel a need to constantly defend a party they claim to hate is beyond me.
Are we talking about people actually defending republicans though or are we talking about people who see a headline about how donald trump is becoming even more retarded and just uncritically run with it
Im talking about people who want own libs by putting Republicans in office while pretending to be some sorta prowhite or anti semite. If you believe the Republicans are a lesser of two evils you are a republican by default
The trump campaign has some appeal to me because we had a strong economy up until covid. I'm going to be starting a family within the next election cycle, and I would like to buy a house. If I vote republican because there are likely going to be immediate material benefits to myself, my wife, and my future kids and no other reason, does this make me a republican?
And if I don't vote? If I write in boof slouber? If I vote kamala to cancel out a trump voter?
Now i get a question. Do you actually think trump will "improve the economy" or help you provide a better life for your family or do you hate kamala and democrats and simply hate the idea of them being in power?
So those things aren't mutually exclusive at face value. I don't think a strong economy under trump is an unrealistic outcome, and I also do not expect things to be well for me or people like me under a kamala presidency. Little bit of column a, little bit of column b.
But you do expect a trump presidency to be a better outcome than a kamala one?
Economically. What difference can trump make that kamala cant? Is the economy worth all the other things trump will do? I mean youve shit talked jews on here. According to trump you should be deported for that. Will that improve your situation or are you writing that off as silly and unrealistic?
@transgrammaractivist @doctorsex @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro For people with family's, trying to start families, or who just have something to lose, yes, the economy is worth voting for a "lesser evil"

You think you've got this "gotcha" but it doesn't matter to people trying to provide a decent standard of living to their children
Trump will not improve the economy and saying he will is just a justification for voting republican from people embarrassed by the fact they are indeed a republican. The president and trump dont have some magic wand they can wave to fix the supply chain issues, hiring issues, pay issues or any of the other problems this economy has. I only ask to see if people actually believe it or not.
I think the "economy" which will be shit under either party and is not worth handing the keys to a guy who did everything in his power to screw whites the last time he was president. Whites get no platinum plan under trump.
>Trump will not improve the economy
How do you *know* this
>handing the keys to a guy who did everything in his power to screw whites
Do you genuinely not think the dems are going to try similar stuff
I think their policies are identical and no one should vote for either. Idk why people act as if its ONLY the dems doing it.
Ok, so we agree that their policies for social issues are abysmal. You haven't shown me anything to change my belief that at least on economics republicans would be better. So, again, if I'm getting abysmal dogshit either way, I have zero reason to not at least try to get the abysmal dogshit scenario where I can get a house and hopefully better provide for my wife and kids.
You havent told me how he will improve anything either though. Its wish casting youre taking as fact. Trump didnt make the economy good in his term it was propped up by the fed which he has zero control over. Is he gonna bully the fed somehow to reduce those rates?
Yes, it is entirely 100% conjecture. I'm not under any delusion that there's any kind of guarantee that things get better. I am literally just weighing the options of "best case scenario: status quo remains" vs "best case scenario: it's easier for you to get a house and set aside for your family".

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @DEERBLOOD @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro There's no turning this thing around. It's just a matter of how fast we hit the wall. When the dollar collapses it's going to be biblical.

@DEERBLOOD @transgrammaractivist @doctorsex @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro Working in their favor is the establishment is delaying the collapse. I don't think that even if Trump is selected the deep state will allow a collapse. They can't win a 3 front war with the economy in shambles. I have little to lose and would rather things kick off while I've got my health than waiting for years.

>i've got little to lose
Speak for yourself you selfish boomer faggot

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @DEERBLOOD @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro Show me what you value more than freedom and I'll show you the chains of your enslavement. May your chains rest lightly upon you, friend.

Thats some nice platitudes but this is a discussion on policy. Its very hard for right wingers to discuss so can we leave the gay philosophy at the door?

@transgrammaractivist @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro Trump appears to be controlled at least in part. If selected, it's only to get whites to rejoin the military and die for ZOG. The economy may improve insomuch as it can before our debt and inflation blow up the dollar.

Harris is clearly controlled, and she would continue the degradation of the military. The fake and gay economy will get more fake and gay until it collapses.

There's no winning move.

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