All poast users are pedophiles.

All anime fans are pedophiles.

All men are pedophiles or pedophiles in denial.

All men deserve to die.

There are no exceptions.

Thank you.
Would love to 😏 but at the moment I'm not allowed to. I'm very close to the end of this bullshit
Are you like. Mentally retarded or something. Are you developmentally stuck at the age of 12
I love niggas who are like "weed has no adverse effects" while most people who smoke frequently are legitimately braindead
@d0c40r0 @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @doctorsex @Frondeur @brendamccann

It's because you have to be braindead to begin with in order to get addicted to a downer drug. It's like when people cite Snoop Dogg, Chief Keef, Seth Rogan as being dumb because of pot but really would any of those guys be intelligent sober? I highly doubt it. It might make them lazier but they're all stupid as fuck to begin with.

Dumb people end up getting addicted to weed/alcohol because there's nothing else to do and it makes passive entertainment more entertaining and passive entertainment is literally the only thing dumb people have.

It's a shitty drug though, just let people have opium and coca in their soda again because that is lindy as fuck. Bring back smoking cigs indoors too. The government lets us have weed / alcohol instead of the good drugs because it "feels like doing drugs" while not empowering you at all.

Weed and alcohol are overrated as fuck and only mildly relax you while also not making you anymore productive.

Opium+Coca and you're hitlers #1 supersoldier there's a reason nazis used stimulants and opioids instead of weed.

TL;DR: read the post or scroll past it retard I don't need to condense anything for you kill yourself

@get @d0c40r0 @doctorsex @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Frondeur @brendamccann
Weed absolutely kills motivation to do anything and better your life if you're a heavy user. I found that happening with myself and have cut back my smoking. I don't see anything wrong with occasional use. It's nice to turn your brain off and listen to music or fuck on it, though.

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@RegalBeagle @d0c40r0 @doctorsex @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Frondeur @brendamccann Yeah anyone who isn't a sub 50 iq gorilla nigger can cut back weed whenever they want to easily. i dont get how anyone gets addicted to weed
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