The AI bubble refuses to pop because it has a stronger foundation than the internet or real estate bubbles.

@judgedread It also has the full support of the government. If the AI bubble pops, the economy pops. Never before has the government cooked the books to keep a bubble alive.

@RegalBeagle Everyone involved, including the government, is after the Holy Grail:

Transhuman AI, what Bostrom calls superintelligence. Read his book by that title to learn more.

tl;dr: If you build a machine smarter than any human you can take over the world.

@judgedread That's what they're after, but anyone who knows anything about current AI will tell you they hallucinate far too often to be trusted with important tasks unsupervised. I suspect some of this is because woke AI is not modeled on reality, so its answers are not applicable to reality.

Non-western AI is not woke and may actually be a threat. I don't know enough about the status of Russian/Iranian/Chinese AI to say for sure, though.

@RegalBeagle LLMs are a trick. They don't really understand the things they write about. But then that applies to most people.

@judgedread They don't but that's also some of their utility. Because it's understanding is non-human, it's solutions to problems are alien to us. Chess engines like AlphaZero are a good example of this(Stockfish I don't think uses AI currently).

I predict AI will be most disruptive in creative areas as its solutions to problems, when viable, are usually extremely left field and cause the humans in that field to reconsider previous assumptions.

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@RegalBeagle It will be most disruptive in physics because the last breakthroughs there gave us nuclear weapons and power.

Oh, and of course in AI itself as machines design the next generation of machines.

@judgedread @RegalBeagle I'm thinking a lot of discoveries in physics after the bomb were kept secret by governments wanting to hold onto similar military advantages quietly. AI may let a lot of cats out of a lot of bags. I remember hearing that if the average person can build a wmd with $90 and short shopping trip, it's better if they don't know how. Things may get interesting quick

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