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>In the 1970s the general aviation aircraft industry was selling 15,000 or more aircraft a year but that number fell by a factor of about 10 in the early 1980s. What happened? One factor was a massive increase in tort liability as discussed in my paper with Eric Helland, Product Liability and Moral Hazard: Evidence from General Aviation. Another factor was ever-increasing FAA regulation.

>But Max Tabarrok raises an interesting puzzle. It’s not at all obvious that the regulation of personal aircraft has been more strict than that of automobiles. So why the big difference in outcomes? There is, however, one small but potentially very important difference between the regulation of cars and aircraft.

>"By far the costliest part of the FAA’s regulation is not any particular standard imposed on pilot training, liability, or aircraft safety, but a slight shift in the grammatical tense of all these rules. The Department of Transportation (DOT) sets strict safety requirements for cars, but manufacturers are allowed to release new designs without first getting the DOT to sign off that all the requirements have been satisfied. The law is enforced ex post, and the government will impose recalls and fines when manufacturers fail to follow the law.

>The FAA, by contrast, enforces all of its safety rules ex ante. Before aircraft manufacturers can do anything with a design, they have to get the FAA’s signoff, which can take more than a decade. This regulatory approach also makes the FAA far more risk-averse, since any problems with an aircraft after release are blamed on the FAA’s failure to catch them. With ex post enforcement, the companies that failed to follow the law would be blamed, and the FAA rewarded, for enforcing recall.

>This subtle difference in the ordering of legal enforcement is the major cause of the stagnation of aircraft design and manufacturing."

'Murka is not like what it used to pretend to be.

@zaitcev I don't blame the zoomers. They were forced through useless gov schools, indoctrinated to hate themselves, their culture, their country, their family, and even the concept of the family unit.

Now they can't get a decent job without becoming a debt serf and getting even more indoctrinated for a degree of varying utility. Why bother trying? Sitting on ass collecting welfare with a bunch of roomates isn't so bad, from their perspective.

@leespringfield1903 @cough @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @dictatordave It'll get the job done. If you shoot .45 ACP at a range with a lightsource behind you, you can see the bullets flying down range. It's a slow round. I subscribe to the Stalin philosophy of quantity has a quality of its own so I'm a 9mm guy.

@dictatordave When I ruck/workout, I just use a weight vest. Also nice because you don't have Karens calling cops on you, should you decide to work out around the neighborhood. Think it ran me ~$60 a couple years ago.

@dictatordave Short answer: no.

I'm a dog with a short attention span and limited command of the English language. Given they're steel, why do you need training plates? They're not gonna shatter like ceramics or hybrids. No need to worry about swapping plates between training sessions and putting wear on the kevlar behind them. My plates are multicurve and a very snug fit in the carrier. Swapping them would be a giant pain in the ass.

@dictatordave Don't get steel plates. Spalling can be more lethal than the bullet stopped. Fancier ones will advertise antispall liners, and that's fine until the hardened plate skids bullet fragments off the plate and into your chin. Even fancier ones will have a front coating to help catch the bullet, but now it's even heavier. Plates are pretty much the last thing you want to invest in for your prep and you might as well get good ones that aren't going to slow you down as much.

We could pay them per dead Mexican. And now you might say “John, they’ll just end up raiding Mexico to kill them for money whether they try to cross or not.” And to that I’d respond “Based.”


@EllisDee Been out of school for a while but I want to see what the responses to your question will be.

@7666 You gotta put a NSFW tag on that server porn.

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