@apropos That someone can live so incongruently with reality for decades and not be killed is a testament to our technological prowess conquering nature. Temporarily, at least.

@leespringfield1903 Niggers would have just raped you. That's how we know the bums were white.

My work for the week was make a new git repo on remote. Not even to push anything to it, just make the repo. Do Chinese and Russian government programmers have just as little work as I do? I'd like to think not but have no way to know.

@binkle Below is my fstab entry if it's of any help.

//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/home/remoteUser /home/user/mounts/nas cifs credentials=/home/user/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,nofail,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

@deprecated_ii @binkle CIFS has an option for everything. I got an fstab with CIFS remote mounts working years ago and haven't touched it since. Powerful, ancient magic, CIFS be.

@Monsignor_DickFace @yockeypuck The idea is any big boi powerlifter could do any of those lifts hung over, but your average reddit mod couldn't even load a bar for squats. No reason to purge powerlifters, they're just husky.

@Monsignor_DickFace @yockeypuck For just one of those lifts, you gotta be able to ORM 225. I'm setting the bar low.

@yockeypuck If you can ORM at least 225 benchpress, squats, or deadlifts, you're exempted from the purges.

@cjd I doubt that amount of lead in leaded paint was of enough mass to absorb any sort of directed energy weapon.

@coffeensleep Can you compress it some more? 2.5kB is really taxing my PC.

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