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@PNS bring back the good ol days of the internet when we could pay africans to hold up signs talking about jews and they'd have no clue what they were being paid to do

@DNutzinski @relentless_eduardo If they infiltrate Fedora, I'm going to have a bit of work to do, too.

@GoodComradeLolaDaviet Calling someone a faggot is an argument. Arguing with fags accomplishes nothing, therefor pointing out the opposing party's faggotry and publicly shaming them for it saves everyone's time.

Pentagon confirms US troops to operate THAAD missile defense in Israel...

The Iranian foreign minister warned that US military leaders are 'risking their soldiers' lives by sending US troops to defend Israel...

Links here:

@mutageno2 Self correcting problem is self correcting itself. Just the practice round for the actual rape and subsequent murder.

@Turkleton Paper straws suck ass. Luckily, stainless steel straws are cheap, reusable, and don't contaminate our precious bodily fluids.

always funny when browns suggest that immigration is "payback" and therefore unwittingly admit that their shitty existence is punishment on everyone around them.

@Justicar @caekislove I've only started looking into this an hour ago, but if trends continue, we may be looking at another situation like the Libre Office fork.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.