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@PNS I'm just a crazy techno-racist who lives in a van, so no one takes me seriously. What I find hilarious is I remember in school they'd beat the Tuskegee experiments into our heads during black history month and I guess I was the only one that remembered the feds experimenting on their own citizens. Maybe it was just an Alabama school thing?

@gear Flashbacks to a slumpbuster I did unmentionables to. She kept a bottle on her nightstand and would pound it as I pounded her. She was a spinner, surprisingly.

@Lady_Penelope Women are giant children that don't know what they want. Treat them accordingly and they're happy.

I really do NOT like this thing, which I inadvertently click quite a bit, which loads a page I couldn't care less about.

@Twig Had me going in the first half. Good stuff.

notice how single men are "incels" and "losers" and media calls it "epidemic of single men", "momma's boys"... it's never "men are enjoying their glorious freedom" type of thing. it's always shaming and hating that you dared to leave the plantation and live your own life the way you want to live it and put yourself first, before anyone and anything else. you are supposed to be a dummy, opinion-less, feeling-less wage slave and an appliance and a retirement plan for the women. never forget that.

@shinichihaku Fuentes is a fed. He may be correct, but he's still a fed.

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