@mitchconner @cowanon I've wanted to get a Pinephone for a while, but can't justify the cost to frustration ratio. My OnePlus Nord 200 5G running LineageOS is $80 and works almost flawlessly. I'll have to look into the Pinebook/pro.
@ooignignoktoo Save some pussy for the rest of us.
Translation: If we let the muslims fuck their cousins, maybe they'll stop raping and stabbing everyone.
@Djeep Their website also glows to hell. Doesn't work without JS enabled, lots o glitzy presentation, even has Google trackers loaded into it. No lefty webdev would ever work for a group like this.
@gumnos I thought this was a rat with a gat pun until I looked at the thread.
@Vo @PNS He said a long while ago he'd be uploading more after having gotten through some personal issues but it looks like something else came up.
We're so lucky people like him, AvE, BigClive, Steve Mould, Machine Thinking, and even more I don't know give out their knowledge for free on the internet. RIP Paul Harrell.
@teto @GrungeQueef All good. Presses are extremely useful in the home shop, even small ones.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.