@charliebrownau Pretty much every Zionist Jew left Russian after the SMO kicked off and they're not being let back in. Israel is on the path to becoming a failed state.
The New Development Bank has no Jews on the board and is the BRICS alternative to the IMF. What are you on about BRICS being controlled opposition?
@charliebrownau Putin joking about a BRICS+ currency doesn't seem like a Jewish joke to me. I would imaging the Rothschilds are shitting their pants at the thought of their banks being bypassed.
@charliebrownau Normies will be unaffected, but for those of us used to using functional software, all the good shit is going to start coming from BRICS+ and western governments will ban their use.
Anyone is still using Israeli tech at this point deserves to get their cock blown off.
@MeBigbrain @nugger
> Vermintide vibes intensify
@Dan_Ramos That's what happens when you give control of your computer to a corporation and it gets too expensive for them: they upload CP to your account and terminate leaving you to pick up the pieces.
@WandererUber @GoodBoyUV @Monsignor_DickFace Is that the female standard? I know they keep getting lower, but even USN was more challenging when I was in.
@Diogenese_Shiplap You have the most delicious timeline of anyone I follow.
@BroDrillard @pepsi_man @sickburnbro Russia has a social security system that's not insolvent, but they also don't give free money to niggers for no reason, so there's that.
@sickburnbro Statists' bad news is patriots' good news.
@aes31494 @caekislove @moth_ball You found a nigger that fought you man to man instead of sucker punching you when him and his homies outnumber you 3 to 1? You weren't in STL, that's for sure.
@cowanon No Pocahontas? She was always my favorite.
@FortyTwo Isn't the other one that troon 'admiral'? Shoot them both and let God sort them out.
@cowanon Looks like I got ~25 acres of racism. Should be a good harvest this year.
@Justicar The only way I see things getting better for the US in this regard is if they have a controlled decline and regulations are abandoned as part of the process or if something invalidated (even more of) the US military and nuclear arsenal and countries just start ignoring US regulations.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.