Whether a man coerced his wife into surgery or obstructed her, he's wrong in both scenarios. He can only passively support. You go girlfriend. "BUSTING OUT I dreamt of having big bust but my husband shot me down – so I DUMPED him, got a boob job & I’ve never been happier" thesun.co.uk/fabulous/29977895

She was going to leave him anyway, you stupid nigger.

Imagine supporting this whore in any way.

Simp harder, and maybe she'll step on your face.
If she wasn't going to leave him, she most certainly would've cheated on him. i'LL fLaUnT mY FaKe TiTs iN pUbLiC aNd mAkE mY hUsBaNd sUpEr jEaLoUs
> I don't feel like men want to shove their cocks in me while I'm shopping.
Aww Im sure it isnt that bad cutie. I bet plenty of men see you in the produce aisle and want to bum you.
@Humpleupagus @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @SamHarris @MCMLXVIIOTG Is this the real Sam Harris? The one and only intellectual artillery masterclass fedora tipper atheist extraordinaire?

@white_male @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG If you want to explore your sexuality, there are more productive ways to do so than trying to denigrate others with offensive terms. I'm a family man, why do you take such interest in my sexuality?

@SamHarris @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG Don't hide behind family, it could be all gay too.
I'm looking to confirm or disprove a rumor, so i can ascribe a more fitting stereotype to you.
I'll go first, i'm a straight white male. Your turn.

@white_male @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG A prudent approach. The world's a complex place with a lot interdependent parts. Having stereotypes helps people to make sense of the world without becoming overwhelmed.

@SamHarris @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG Describing this stance as overwhelming is not a productive starting point, it's not a personal thing. Society wide stereotypes is a part of human homeostasis, it's evolutionary in origin and is there for a reason.
Apparently nature calculated for it and it turned out 90-95% of "normal" being prejudiced against counter productive behaviors is more fine than 5-10% plus some 5-10% zealous supporters bullying the rest.
There are people, organizations and whole institutions devoted towards solving the problems of abnormal people at the cost of everybody else on top of them not being productive themselves.

Isn't your operating, relativistic theory on good and bad/good and evil the same as i remember it to be? The amount of total "good" in the world or something like that? Even if you choose to shed some religious objective penalizing most of the people for the benefit of few faggots, it's even more wrong in relative terms.

So yeah, i'm asking people if they're faggots, i carry a pair of gloves just for the occasion.

@white_male @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG Stereotypes serve a purpose, yes. But why is the sexuality of a stranger on an internet chat forum of such paramount concern to you.

@SamHarris @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG It's not of paramount concern, but it's a society wide dividing issue.

But let's turn to science, do you know of research linking characteristic psychological, physical and behavioral traits? We can do primary component analysis every which way on these and we come to find most stereotypes are true. It even expresses itself on the evolutionary boundary, with similar traits people creating and holding more similar religious tenets than dissimilar groups, even across distinct religions.

That's how deep i go into my understanding of some few basic stereotypes.

@white_male @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG. That's very deep indeed! In particular, what aroused you to penetrate so deeply into your stereotyping of my sexuality? What motivates you here?

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@SamHarris @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG I wasn't for you in particular, before anyone suggested a rumor and if i gathered correctly you admitted.
Anyways, don't be offended for sharing a stereotype since you are in all likelihood an outlier.
Since the rabbit hole goes even deeper and considering anything more than three dimensions is increasingly complicated, one might say exponentially so.

Let me turn it around and restate, it's only i'm because meaningful amount of negative traits(subjective to my morality, opinion, etc.) is grouping with homosexuality trait. It's just a good red flag, i wouldn't have ever suspected you of, apart from being rumored like today. I just thought of you better than being gay.
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