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“Man, everyone knows about the Underwear Hammer Fight scene in California” said Kiedis.

“When I was living under that bridge in Los Angeles, Japanese businessman, Hollywood elite and politicians from San Francisco would drive down in their limos to pick up guys. They would fuel them up with liquor and drugs and then take them back to their mansions for wild all night Underwear Hammer Fighting parties. I never did partake in that nonsense but Flea did on quite a few occasions.”

You Can’t Identify as a women to escape draft in Biden’s armies so,the only option left is KlingerMaxxing. Klinger's original defining characteristic was his constant attempts to gain a psychiatric discharge from the Army, also known as a Section Eight. To this end, he would habitually wear women's clothing and engage in ridiculous stunts to "prove" that he was crazy

Paupa New Guinea cultural practices include bride price and polygamy. PNG is mainly a patriarchal society, where men are in charge of everything from the home to community decision-making, while women are seen as possessions of men, like a pig or land, and are expected to be obedient and accept every decision made by men.

Guess they don’t need lawn service in the off season.

Female Pinhead in new Hellraiser show Sadist masochist diversity hire

Resembalance to modern feminist blammed for lack of Orc female representation in Rings of Power series.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.