65 year old Columbian guy at work gave me this said to dip it like tobacco for energy,
Any Spanish readers know what this is? I'm buzzing
Identity Christians view to become a Saint if you expose the Jew and become imprisoned or murdered like Jesus did and rewarded in Heaven in the Afterlife with immortality,Muslims die waging jihad against the Jew and receive seventy two Virgins to enjoy in blissful ecstasy,Aryan pagan you get to party at the beer hall with your Bros for dying fighting the Jews,seems like their should be a cult that includes Jesus in Heaven serving beer and Virgins up to all his bros for exposing and killing Jews
Indians, Nigger same thing,these fucking Guinea woops to think you need an alias for the Internet now like gangstas
@Mr_Mister @CheshireHuman @VooDooMedic
Yes but what leads to Feminism?
Rich Jews and butt sex. It's always Jews and butt sex.
I don't know how I went down this rabbit hole but now I am a Mariko Goto fan boi
@Tfmonkey Move to Kentucky he is a keeper if they don't kill him
Thomas Massie they will fund his opponent next time he is up for reelection
Or use Lawfare against him
@Tfmonkey Move to Kentucky he is a keeper if they don't kill him
Thomas Massie they will fund his opponent next time he is up for reelection
Or use Lawfare against him
Somehow I never saw this series 22 episodes of Dennis Hopper and kung fu now on Prime
Sold out by Latina officer for meh racism recorded fellow cops a lieutenant, Sergeant and four officers bet she gets promoted
@Tfmonkey This is one thing that happened at Crypto summit Federal agencies to conduct an inventory of all crypto assets currently held by the US government and determine how they can be transferred easily to the Treasury non Bitcoin digital assets will be held in a new us digital assets stockpile, SAMUEL BANK.MAN-FRIED digital assets Forfeitures were filed in US southern district of New York 2/18/25
This race grifter Arno Michaelis,neglects to mention the FBI,ADL,JDL and Southern Poverty Law center with the full funding of the federal government and New Hate Crime Laws went after the Hammer's, and funded the SHARP anti fascist group which became Antifa,his fear promotes white guilt and Jews promote him to insert you back into the Matrix
Anerutypical Ethnonationalist unite
Time to become activists the Col. Came out of retirement
Danger, nightmare
Doomsday, nightmare
Murder, nightmare
Nightmare, nightmare
They'll fuck with me subliminally
Die zeit der langen weile bis zum grossen bums