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When it’s to hot to wear clothes and you are going your own way on the couch

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Moment of clarity why do women love bad boys because bad boys represent change and women are chaotic. A real bad boy makes change happen a poser bad boy just steals pussy.

I have been using Gmail for years I want suggestions for changing email to a service not fake and Gaye and associated with Microsoft

You give a Nigger Position of authority even over a doc and he will abuse it and then when white people retaliate. The Nigger Group think will take the violence to the next level. and the white people will get the charges by the police

If the CIA wants us to smuggle cocaine or guns they will have to provide the planes and the pilots

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Maybe have a company in Argentina and open accounts in Paraguay and Brazil That can trade in BRICS commodities Buy. i’ll drive the truck to Guyana and ship it to New Orleans.

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Go buy some sneakers at Kohl’s and sell them on eBay to those Toads….Arbitrage means taking advantage of price differences across markets to make a buck. If a currency, commodity or security—or even a rare pair of sneakers—is priced differently in two separate markets, traders buy the cheaper version and then sell it at the higher price to make money.Buy Commodities Thru BRICS sell to USA

Three drunk rednecks on a boat dock in Montgomery Alabama I’ve been charged with assault they would do right to plead guilty before they are Labeled as racist and charged with federal hate crimes cars the HNIC On the boat dock was given them A hassle.

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decided to play baldurs gate 3 to se what all the gay bestiality sex is about
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You people don’t understand concentrated orange juice and Tequila could solve all your bickering

The love for the baby Jesus, Family,my offspring,Strippers, Beauticians, Young fat girls,Horse twats Mom, Hot rods, Harley Davison V Rods, Electric unicycles, and a total distain for Negro mentality, and resisting the control of the communist Jew, are The only reason to exist.Some of these things may be preference,but call me a liar.Oh and most Yankees

This was stolen from me his existence needs to survive if my death allows him to survive I would sacrifice my life so that honky could swing from trees eat vegetables and be free

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.