@DW2 it’s fascinating that the message has gone from “bootstraps” to “it’s over.” Same thing has been happening with Scott Greer and Trump. “There are no good girls actually.” “There are no good candidates for the 2024 election.”
Past 10 years have had a slow decline from:
"Just use PUA game bro" -> "Just workout and looksmaxx bro" -> "Just go to a foreign country bro" -> "You're an incel if you think you deserve a woman that's not a whore!!" -> "It's over"

2010s you still saw pick up artist shit, now everyone knows that it doesn't work for the average guy

@synapsid @Griffith @DW2 the core problem is that while it does work, for certain values of "working", it plugs solidly into a framework of cultural narcissism; you can workout, looksmaxx, up your grindset, and whatever, and you are still in the position in the current world where you are statistically going to get, at most, only four out of these six things:

a human body count
a human personality
a human body weight
lack of emotional issues
model-tier beauty
decent maternal skills

your only choices are to accept that fact or not, and a number of guys just don't wanna do that

if you want to build a life with a woman, you will be doing it with an imperfect woman, and it will require commitment to the actual person involved, which has been known to be difficult since time immemorial; nobody ever said life with wahmen was easy, and anybody who tells you otherwise is selling something


@VaxxSabbath @Griffith @synapsid @DW2

“if you want to build a life with a woman, you will be doing it with an imperfect woman, and it will require commitment to the actual person involved, which has been known to be difficult since time immemorial; nobody ever said life with wahmen was easy,”

Life with women isn’t easy, that’s why even the slightest legal emancipation of women kills birthrates dead.

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