Japan's ruling party just elected a based male leader who opposed the BOJ rate cuts and money printing over the woman who advised the current PM to do it.


@RadiumLE85 south korea elected president that run on pushing against feminism. after election, he made a 180° turn. no politician can be trusted.

@Justicar Don’t let positive steps be a negative. Let his actions dictate his intentions.

@TenaciousGoat we saw two weeks ago that japan cannot save itself from inflation caused by printing yen at no interest rates. the international financial system would not allow it. it just does not matter who is the president of japan when japan is not a sovereign country(ever since WW2). the only way they can save themselves is to default on western debts and go balls deep into BRICS, immediately. They have no other options to save their economy and standards of living for their citizens.


@Justicar You’re absolutely right, and that’s a valid point I didn’t consider.

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