@Nudhul @TenaciousGoat @lebronjames75 ubereats will ban you from their service. That’s the one thing that people hate more than anything.
@Mamako @Nudhul @TenaciousGoat @lebronjames75 Imagine being concerned that you can't employ a contracted minority
@graf @Nudhul @TenaciousGoat @lebronjames75 Imagine employing a contracted minority in the first place.
@Mamako @TenaciousGoat @Nudhul @lebronjames75 airbnb is like this too, even worse because they say they can't do anything if you get ripped off like bitch of course you can
@sun @TenaciousGoat @Nudhul @lebronjames75 Easiest way to your money with the least effort.
@Mamako @TenaciousGoat @lebronjames75 who the fuck cares? they're literally robbing you why would you even want to continue using them
@Nudhul @TenaciousGoat @lebronjames75 Clearly someone was using them. I’ve never used any kind of service like this, as I own my own car and legs to procure meals and groceries myself.
@Mamako @TenaciousGoat @lebronjames75 i just cannot understand the bugman mindset at play here "yeah but if you get your money back they wont service you anymore"

@Mamako @TenaciousGoat @Nudhul i have used these slaveorders before (not uber but local ones), roughly 10 ish times
i have not once had a fully satisfactory deliverance of the roughly 5-6 times ive used it
I'd gladly pay twice or thrice the price of this delivery service to not have my fucking food be dropped on the pavement as a standard, not the exception

perhaps i have just been terribly unlucky with events happening out of my control, but the flavor of "order a sub-minwage slave to deliver food and i dont even get service equal (or higher) to me driving out there" is really frustrating.
@PurpCat @TenaciousGoat @Mamako @Nudhul completely unironically, yes
they had me trying the service everytime ive been sickness induced bedridden and alone for over a week
they couldve kept me on the hook each time if the service quality didnt piss me off on each instance
@lebronjames75 @PurpCat @Mamako @TenaciousGoat a lot of their clients in ingerland are bankers who spend 16 hours at their office every day
@lebronjames75 @Mamako @Nudhul @TenaciousGoat the amount of pinpounting they make the customer do really says something about the cognitive abilities of these runners
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