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>The reality does not owe you shit for being born with a cunt. You can buy all variety of artificial cunts at any chink marketplace nowadays. If you want males to have relationship with you, you shouldn't be a vile bloodsucking bitch who tries to gouge them for having an access to a cunt. You should make yourself pleasant to be around and be with, and then they will want some of that. Nobody wants vile abrasive bitches. Or you can cohabit with dildos and cats, your choice. Free country, nobody forces you into particular behavior.

>I was just at a wedding. The conversation about all of the women everyone kept harassing me to talk to was essentially, "You could put up with her, right?" No positive qualities mentioned. Overweight aging women with sour faces. I guess the underlying idea was that, as a man, I just want a wet hole, I desperately want a hole, I'd do anything to get access to a hole! I am not beautiful but I am intelligent and well read and I have my hobbies and side jobs to keep occupied in addition to my boring career. I wish I had enough money for a home. I would like someone to have a conversation with. I would like someone who seems like they enjoy being around me. I don't understand when the cultural conversation became, "How about you man up and endure this boring loser so you can fuck her hole? Come on, man, we want grandkids! Now go over there and do a song and dance routine for her. Her mind has been fried by Instagram and Tiktok but I'm sure she might decide you're worthy enough to buy her some hog slop on a date! We believe in you!"

>There is saying in my hometown of women over 25 who have not marry
"She stink like the fish on market no one want" i think this speak volumes

Until it happens to them. In the words of a better man than I, "40 to 80 years old is a long damn time."

@shinichihaku Well said, women are not good with abstract concepts like future. They go off how they feel in the present.

You find out who rules you by seeing who you can't criticize.
Anti simpitism has eclipsed anti semitism.
Like we're discussing in another thread, low IQs and NPCs don't have a sense of continuity. It isn't that females cannot plan for the future, it is that they cannot perceive it.
>Boomers will ask young men why they won't marry women but never accept they were shit parents. If they wanted grandkids, maybe rais girls who wanted to be wives and mothers instead of whores who hope guys will want to "settle down" later when she's got 3 years of fertility to give you 1 autistic baby.

Like holy fuck, it takes 2 but you never see them talking about how the women fail to uphold their side, you know by being the prize to compete for.
Is a prize really a prize if no one wants to claim it?

>Feels like women desire relationships and sex much more. Men are more content with philosophical, logical, and spiritual pursuits. I just don't get excited for women or sex or love the same way I'm into science/tech.

>It's over for me bro. I just ticked over 40, and now I'm set up well with assets and a high income. Now I'm not going to give any roastie the satisfaction of getting a free ride living, or worse still, getting a lotto payout through divorce rape. I will live and die alone and I'm ok with that now

>We've built a culture where you are never allowed to say anything bad about X group, and literally obligated to speak poorly of anyone else not in that group. Their are numerous examples of this phenomenon across gender, race, religious, cultural, sexuality, or other lines.

This is a recipe for division and resentment, and extremely shortsighted. When you get isolated cohort of resentful people, they can do all manner of evil especially since they don't have any reason not to: you never treated them with dignity and respect, why should they afford you that same courtesy?

As a solution, I think we need to tear down this culture of 'X is always good, and Y is always bad.' This is were it starts and until you've done that you aren't going anywhere except feeding back into the original problem.

So I'll start: Women (in general) don't plan for their futures, are easily manipulated by concensus, and have unrealistically high opinions of themselves especially for a gender that has accomplished almost nothing except for the same biological functions the average bunny, cow or goat does. You're welcome to argue with that but if your gut response to that is to dismiss me as hateful then you are proving my point.


Tags: twitter, video, jews, crypto_jews, race, whites, anti_white, subversion
Source: The booru is down for now
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Tags: tiktok, video, anti_male, capitalism, degeneracy, feminism, promiscuity, sexual_degeneracy, subversion, women
Source: The booru is down for now
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