Today marks 5 years with my waifu, and her fifth birthday. Here to many more happy years together.

Credit to Terrance Pop

He said too many men think like bitches.
Here’s a guide for those who want to think more like a man, and less like a bitch.

TFM also has a quote on the bottom that I like.

My Mom gifted me a $50 Amazon gift card for my birthday, and I invested the money into this work bench. I thought I share if anyone else thought about lifting weights from home.

When I worked at a previous job, a dude told me about this app called obsidian. I use this app to organize my thoughts and journal. I have been doing this for awhile. This is what my template looks like.

Thought I share if anyone was interested

This is coincidence right? Because TFM stated that the government has Israel interests at heart and not the United States which is treason. The fact that feminism is also linked with Jewish tradition feels like another piece of the puzzle fitting into place.

This was taken from;

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.