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Equity .. Equality .. I never could tell the difference because it doesn't matter. Weakness must be purged, the cream must rise to the top, and people must be able to pursue their fullest potential without being dragged down by the useless. Social Darwinism and Eugenics are the only correct answers.

So I hear that Comcast is selling off it's cable networks. I hope MSDNC dies an pinful death. Hell maybe Rachel and Micka can get as the newest yentas on the View.

notice how single men are "incels" and "losers" and media calls it "epidemic of single men", "momma's boys"... it's never "men are enjoying their glorious freedom" type of thing. it's always shaming and hating that you dared to leave the plantation and live your own life the way you want to live it and put yourself first, before anyone and anything else. you are supposed to be a dummy, opinion-less, feeling-less wage slave and an appliance and a retirement plan for the women. never forget that.

The story I've heard is it was created in NC as a part of MIL research...

... then Gain of Function funding was supposed to have stopped, so it was moved via an intermediary to Wuhan for continued research, and then "got loose".

BTW, this has been a standard playbook in many domains. If something is illegal in the USA, whether GOV or CORP, that effort is exported to another country where it is not illegal. If BIZ, maybe there's a cost benefit.

It's a scummy practice.

Cryptocurrencies is rat poison.

It's not currency. You can't use it buy anything.

It's worthless computer code.

It's tulip bulb mania.

It's the biggest crock of shit ever conceived of.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.