Shame he trooned out, I love his Touhou eurobeat tracks.
@Noraweed @Hoss @sapphire you know troons refer to their real name as a deadname, i unironically believe when a person troons out, he dies, his body might still be alive and moving and doing things, but that person he used to be is completely obliterated, gone, never to return, even after a detransition there's no recovering that person
where am i going with this? i will never attribute stebbins' tracks to the troon he became

@lina @Hoss @Noraweed @sapphire

Trannys R retarded. They're only taken seriously because the government supports them

"Gender is a social construct"

If gender is a social construct, why does "gender affirming care" seem to always consist of removing organs, changing skeletal shape, replacing chemicals in your body, and getting plastic surgery?

If gender is "not real" than how come changing your gender entails changing your REAL body?

Transgenderism is equivalent to modern day lobotomy.

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