
When it's SHTF time, all woman in the west will be frantically searching for a man to protect and provide for them.

Because women aren't capable of living on their own without DEI and Affirmative Action. This GirlBoss shit is only possible through Gov money.

In a survival scenario, any woman without a man will simply starve to death. All the bull-dyke lesbians will need to shave their armpits and wear their hair long.

I hope I'm alive to see that day

@ToyotaTime @Hoss And they shouldn't expect the men to provide for them and their mixed-race babies from multiple baby daddies because we won't. #MGTOW

@redneonglow @Hoss

Well, as long as a woman is reasonably attractive, she could probably find SOME guy to take care of her.

The uggos aren't making it though.

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