If White nationalists spent half the energy on doing shit that mattered that they do on infighting and doxxing each other like highschool girls we would already have hypoborea.
@Dudebro Would be easier for you guys to not in-fight if you didn't choose literal kikes, literal faggots or literal niggers or any combination of these as leaders and talking heads.


It would also be easier to avoid infighting if white Nationalists would stop insisting Eastern/Southern/Balkan Europeans are not white.

All Europeans are white. Anyone who says otherwise is a jew or is just retarded.

No more brother wars and all that.

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@Nudhul @ToyotaTime Yep, this mistake is on the map fags of Versailes.
@Nudhul @ToyotaTime Yep, if you look at that genetic map i sent you, says the same. Finnish are genetically related to caucasoids.
Geographically they're pulled into European continent. Politically also, but their blood is elsewhere.
@ToyotaTime I don't mind caucasoids too much, most ruskies are frens too.
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