@TrevorGoodchild @Shadowman311 Precisely. From a genetic standpoint, is my Hungarian wife European? Sure, they've been there 1100 years, but their language and genome is not related.
@machciv @TrevorGoodchild @Shadowman311 European is a place designation. Hungarians are native to Europe. actual proto-hungarians are not a PIE people, but I'd have to look it up for modern ones. I'd imagine they'd have a lot of alpinid, Germanic, Slav admixture.

@WandererUber @machciv @Shadowman311 @TrevorGoodchild

Any white Nationalists that claim eastern europe/Balkans aren't white is lying

White people are the only race on earth with an alcohol tolerance.

No other race on earth can hold their liquor.

Arabs and Africans just don't drink.

Asians are lightweights

Only white people are capable of drinking heavy and living through it.

The balkans being full of alcoholics is proof that their white.

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