>Women are a pain. It’s a trick to get us to breed. Women are in it for short term gain and are shallow. That’s just how it is. There will ALWAYS be compromise. Which means your life will be ruined by a boundaryless moron who insists you try to endlessly please her while she looks elsewhere for other men and takes your kindness for granted.

>Don’t waste your life, your time and money on women. They are TAKERS, not givers. They will consume your life and laugh; like a vampire, they will drain you and tell you it’s your fault. Then they will find a way to leave you and humiliate you.

>Forget women. Seriously, the rumours are true. The only happy men are single and divorced.

>Look, the white population is receding. We’re not gone, but we have seen how awful a world full of low IQ shitskins will be and we don’t want to send our children into it to be raped and stabbed. Romance is an illusion and your life will be forced and constricted by adhering to the myth.

>All because of biological programming. There will ALWAYS be a power struggle, which means that you will either have to be a doormat or a babysitter for an adult child. I’m 53. I have persevered with women. When you stop giving things away for free, they stop coming. It’s an enlightening realisation. A loss, for sure. Women are pretty, funny and sexy. But the price you pay is infeasible. We should not be encouraging women’s bratty, spoiled, demanding nature.

Based. Though that last part needs a [Citation needed.]

@shinichihaku women are only a pain because men can't tell them to shut the hell up.

Back in the days of patriarchy, men did not have to tolerate women's constant complaining.

Women couldn't divorce men outside of certain circumstances, sometimes just not at all.

A woman who cheated on her man was punished severely.

Every civilization before the 1920s was a patriarchy. For most of history, male authority was the norm.

What will it take for men to enforce patriarchy again?

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Actually, real patriarchy has never been tried.

In the tradcuck days they introduced false codependence, so you'd spend 12 hours in a coalmine and come home and do whatever she wanted so you could get fed. Shadow matriarchy.

Even in Rome where your entire household was property, that still didn't make females be women. Slapping them around a bit when they yap might feel nice, but percussive maintenance cannot fix something that was never functional in the first place.

>So how do we invent patriarchy?

Invent women.


To be fair, this is just how nature designed males and females.

You see this in animals like chimpanzees as well. Nature designed women to be completely dependant on men, and also be the bottleneck of reproduction

Nature designed men to be protectors and providers. That's why males are the stronger and smarter sex. Men are programmed to sacrifice for women and children, it's in a man's nature to provide, protect and sacrifice

So what I'm saying is, bring back the natural order

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