
these pro natalist memes are weird.

Because for some reason, whenever there's an image of a man with his imaginary family in a meme, he always only has daughters.

Why do these chronically online dudes imagine family's with only daughters? I think it's because zoomers are generally low T

@BowsacNoodle @ToyotaTime I think it's:

1. because men have seen how degenerate and lost women have become and imagine themselves taking control and being the father they need
2. We have been so jew-opped that even our fantasies put on us it erases men.

Frankly I wish to have sons first because I want to help them survive and thrive faster than I could

@whiteman_ @BowsacNoodle

It's the latter. All the media I consumed as a child had jewish bs in the background.

It's obvious these days, but back when I was a kid it was Subtle.

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@ToyotaTime @whiteman_ Nickelodeon was so unbelievably saturated with jewish propaganda it's hilarious.
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