Lol wtf is this slop in my recommended? "Hey guys let me tell you why my life was sooooooooooo hard even though I was pulling down 200k."
@Hoss if you aren't great with finances or personal planning you can become dependent on a large salary and feel stuck and unable to imagine surviving on less.
Life must be a struggle for people who simultaneously rise to high paying positions yet also somehow lack the forward-thinking ability to not immediately spend the entirety of their paycheck.
@Hoss @thatguyoverthere guys, when you make a lot of money your consumption expands to fill it.
I barely consoom. All my spare money goes into silver bullion. I don't really care about things like a new car to replace my crappy dented up shitbox because it's just a waste of capital in my eyes. I don't care about stuff, I care about a life where I don't have to listen to a boss every day before I turn 50.
Same. I'm making things work and getting on top of my other long-term assets. Food security and what not because I'm definitely anticipating sky rocketing food prices. If I can grow my own stocks... I'll be that much better off. Still a roll of the dice each season, but it could be better than nothing.
I'm not trying to cringily LARP as some ascetic monk or anything. Of course I have material desires as other normal people do, I occasionally post shit about cool cars I like, I enjoy the craftsmanship of watches, I like guns, I dabble in VR, but all of that is unimportant to me when I'm not economically independent. I have to go to work everyday, and even though my job isn't awful I'd still rather not be there, plus if my boss even knew 1/10th of the shit I post online I'd be unceremoniously shitcanned, and I don't like that. I don't like being at the economic mercy of anybody else, so all that material shit takes a backseat to my goal of one day having an existence that is mine. One that nobody can fuck up just because they hate me or the things I say. That's more important than nice stuff.
@Hoss @pyrate @sun @thatguyoverthere I'm just sick of being raped by the state once a year. Gotta pay your rent to the government so they don't send jack boots to evict you from your own fucking property.
Always put a bad taste in my mouth how my folks were more or less chased out of the home they raised me in because they couldn't afford the property tax bill anymore.
@Hoss @pyrate @sun @thatguyoverthere I can't talk about this without fedposting. It's a topic that pisses me off on a scale akin to Waco or Rubyridge.

There are better ways to do property 'taxes' and taxation in general but the bureaucratic administrative state will eternally bog down and stonewall any kind of reformation to the tax code or system.
I'm not even advocating fully abolishing the tax.

I've explained all of this multiple times in a different post and among friends. For the sake of brevity I won't bore you with War & Peace tax code edition.

TL;DR: Limit how many properties a person or entity can personally own before they start getting taxed (one for them, one extra, and one for each nonadopted child they have). Corporations like Walmart get slammed for operating outside of their state of origin AND have to pay parabolic taxes for each new location they open.
If you move to a new state you get taxed for five to ten years before 'naturalization'. So not more real estate musical chairs from faggot boomers.

Connected lots/properties are considered one property unless there is a household present.
You and I probably have similar views on this. Real estate should not be treated as a speculative commodity, the brunt of the property tax burden should be paid by entities that own large amounts of it, not people who own a single residence.
>If you move to a new state you get taxed for five to ten years before 'naturalization'.
There should also be a 5-10 year voting rights suspension on the state level for transplants.
It's fucking stupid that Calicockroaches can just uproot themselves and immediately start ruining some other place they've only lived in for a year.
@Hoss @pyrate @sun @thatguyoverthere tbqh we're at a point in American history when retards on the internet are better at statecraft than your average 'lawmaker'

That will start me down the White Caste topic again though. Yes, many of us are in fact BETTER than them in every way.
I'm just tired of wealthy delusional coasties thinking they can do whatever the fuck they want wherever they want. No, that's not how it should work. If you ruined the place you live in because you're retarded, you're either going to fix it or you're going to cope with having absolutely no say in shit for years if you flee the consequences of your own actions.
@Hoss @pyrate @Eiswald @sun @thatguyoverthere Balkanize the US. Balkanize Canada. Turn everything into tiny Lithuania-sized states so everyone has to learn not to shit where they eat.

@parker @pyrate @Eiswald @Hoss @sun @thatguyoverthere

This is unironically how switzerland operates. It's a confederacy.

The best way to structure a country is for every locality to be self governing regarding things like social issues, religions ect.

Many independently governed states, but under one union. As it's still necessary to be unified for military defense and national infrastructure.

"Good fences make good neighbours".

It's best for ideologically opposed groups to live apart.

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