
I might be wrong, but it seems like black people, more than any other race, are being pushed into entertainment to replace white characters + historical figures.

The regime isn't pushing Arabs and asians into these rolls at the same level, it's mostly black people being worshipped like this.

Maybe blacks are just the ultimate anti white casting? Casting a philipino to play a disabled English king just wouldn't have the same *punch*?


She is black and Jewish.

Funny, I didn't know jews were into race mixing.

Still, I was half right. She ½ black


@jmw150 i should have worded it differently.

I meant I didn't know jews racemixed with BLACKS.

Jews, of all races, getting it on with nogs? That's new to me.

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@ToyotaTime Yep. Beta Israels specifically. Jews in Israel do not like them but religiously have to deal with them.

The only thing betas stuck with was taking Sabbath off. They are illiterate, incompetent, violent, and mostly just black dna.
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