oh no guyz, bird flu, its bird flu guyz, oh no

lol why are they making a thing of this now? is it because they want to lock everyone down and operate unilaterally and independently of the federal apparatus that the uniparty doesn't completely control now

my shock

i'm going to curb stomp the first mother fucker that says something about a mask, i swear

@dictatordave even if that "motherfucker" is a police officer?

You have the correct idea, but can you keep that energy with actual enforcers of that tyranny?

@ToyotaTime i didn't last time, i wont this time
suck my dick, leaf nigger

@dictatordave out here talking like you got balls 🥱, planning on falling in line like everyone else when/if the lockdowns happen again.

@ToyotaTime tough talk from a disarmed cuck
have a good day in your 3rd world country

@dictatordave fair enough, we don't have a 2A

BUT I think we should get points for having the stones to nationally protest against those lockdowns.

Something that people in the U.S didn't do. I think you guys tried to have your own trucker protest, but it never took off.

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@ToyotaTime @dictatordave

I think mostly because after the Trucker protest most Americans stopped caring about COVID. The vaxxies decided they had the moral high ground and there was no point in trying to use force, it became moot.

Also the immediate and recurring toll of the vaxxie plight was beginning to have its affect. Excess sickness and death had a very real effect in causing most of them to shut the fuck up.
Every motherfucker at work with absentee issues is vaxxed. Every. Fucken. One.

@pyrate @dictatordave

The American trucker protest failed because the feds broke it up before they could Reach the capitol.

What the vaxxies believe doesn't matter. All that matters is what the government is able to do. For the lockdowns, the government ended that around the same time the Ukraine War started.

At that point, the regime decided that fighting Russia overseas was more important that locking down every western country.

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