The choice is simple....Be racist or cease to exist.


is there any chance that white men will reinstate patriarchy and force white women to have kids again?

You know, instead of women spending their 20s going to college and climbing the corporate ladder, they could get married and have large families?

Every successful civilization before the 1920s was a patriarchy, because women are designed to be ruled.

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If it wasn't for external intervention on the part of powerful forces in the media and our western societies, these issues would fix themselves. Women are miserable creatures in today's world, in a traditional setting women need men to care for them, to protect them, to cater to their emotional needs, to provide a house for them to make a home out of. All these things are what a woman truly wants deep down in their soul. It's imbued within them from birth, it's part of her, it's genetics, it's her mission in life and she knows it. That's why most women are so neurotic, so overly emotional and disagreeable or needy, they've been denied their basic genetic function in life, which is mate, bear offspring and grow together with a man.


Yes, but women will never *voluntarily* submit to male rule.

Its similar to a young child. A child wants to be given structure and discipline by their parents, HOWEVER, the child will not voluntarily submit to their parents authority. Parents simply have to take control because children are immature.

Women are similarly immature by nature, they want to be ruled, but will never voluntarily allow men to take control. Which is why patriarchy has been necessary historically.

@[email protected] That all depends on how they were raised, if it was traditional...Mother/Father together in the home with strong Father figure constantly present. Then there's no real need for dominating or forcing the female to assume her traditional role as a wife and mother. But in today's broken down world, if one wants a traditional woman for marriage, one must attempt to mold her to conform to that traditional role. Does that make sense?


Women absolutely do need to be forced, via patriarchy, to assume their traditional roles.

This is apparent when you look at more traditional countries like Russia.

In Russia, women are "raised right". Feminism and other such jewish propaganda is not allowed to take hold there.

And yet, the Russian birthrate low. Terribly low in fact, comparable to U.S birthrates.

Because, social conditioning cannot over-ride a woman's nature.

Female choice is not compatible with civilization.

@[email protected] You basically just repeated what i said. If women are raised in a traditional society, there's no need to force a woman to do anything, she will readily and eagerly assume her traditional role as wife and mother. But if the society is corrupted like ALL western nations are today, no amount of forcing a woman into a traditional role will be successful, unless you kidnapped the bitch and spent endless hours attempting to brainwash or de-program the feminism out of her. to follow up on your Russia comment, Russia is not without her problems and Putin is as much a stooge for the Jewish bankers as any other western leader is.


I'll just expand a little bit on the idea of force.

When I say force, I don't mean that women need to be tied up or something.

I'm referring to how western societies in history have limited women's freedom

For instance, women have historically had their freedom of choice restricted. Women were not allowed to choose their husbands, instead, women were put into arranged marriages by their fathers.

There is a good reason why men of the past forbade women from choosing a man

@[email protected] While I totally agree with you. It's utterly impossible to put the genie back in the bottle or close Pandora's box, once freedom is lost, it's lost forever and once permission is granted it's next to impossible to retract. There are still a few traditional White women left in America and I think that there's a societal shift among a sizable population of White Americans back towards a traditional lifestyle.


It's true that patriarchy is politically impossible at this point In time.

However, it is possible on the local level.

By having the equivalent of "white no go zones"

The amish and Mennonites in Canada and the U.S practice white fortressing the correct way.

They put women into arranged marriages, they don't allow women to have careers, and they don't let women seek college or universities.

Through these practices, they have 7+ children per family.

@[email protected] "White No Go zones" sound cool, I'm in. Just wait until the ADL find out about them. If you attempt to found or even to isolate yourself into a 'White only' enclave, the Jewish controlled media will have a field day with it. Your utopia will turn into a Nigger hellhole in less than a 24 hours. Think Hayden Falls, Idaho in the 80's


That's why I used the Amish and the mennonites as working examples.

The amish are 100% white, almost exclusively ethnic German.

They are, for all practical purposes, a white no go zone.

The jews don't bother the Amish. It's 2024 and they carry on as they always have.

It's a system that whites should emulate. The main complaint I hear from Wnationalists is
"but they don't use technology"

However, the Amish are not against technology, they merely want it tightly controlled.

@[email protected] The Amish and the Mennonites are long established communities and are today experiencing a social and moral disruption among their communities. The hidden hand of Jewish subversion spares no one.
@Littletoad @ToyotaTime The "powerful forces in the media" need to have their own, personal Luigis.
I will try to summon some into being from the egregore.


Well, how are the jews infiltrating amish communities right now?

I have seen no news that suggests the Amish are dying off in some way


The amish are actually growing in population

Since 2023, the Amish have created 36 new settlements.

@[email protected] Then I suggest you go to one of those new Amish communities, find the prefect 'trad' wife and pump out eight or ten White babies. Do your part for the future of the White race.


Sure, perhaps even the Mennonites

I'm not saying however, that I expect all white nationalists to literally join an amish or mennonite community.

I'm saying that white nationalists can copy what works. In this case, self governing and self sustaining communities centered around religion.

Keep in mind, the Amish are not strictly white nationalists. If they were, the gov would shut that shit down.

Their isolated and self governing nature simply keeps browns away by default.

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