@45b35521c312a5da4c2558703ad4be3d2e6d08c812551514c7a1eb7ab5fa0f04 I would not allow anyone to drive on my road, I would annex my neighbors road too. Who will stop me today/tomorrow/future? Whatever group you just said becomes the government and they will need funding, laws and guns to make sure I don't take anymore roads. There's your government, and we are right back here again. ancaps need to be forced to spend a year in Somalia to experience what they advocate for, I have, it's warlords.
@45b35521c312a5da4c2558703ad4be3d2e6d08c812551514c7a1eb7ab5fa0f04 So you have visited a country with no government and you think it's paradise? I HAVE and small, local government with a small fed government as intended is much better than warlords anyday. ANCAPS are as delusional as communists. Why don't you live in those countries now? There's several in Africa, but you don't live there, because you wouldn't have time for memes, you would be defending what you have 24/7/365 it's a horrible life