
I Now understand why tradcons love The 50's 😂😂😂

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@VeganMGTOW Bro, it's all BS. Longevity runs in my family and my grandma and many great aunts/uncles lived well into their 90's. I had some candid conversations with them as well as some of their older boomer kids. Some of the stuff that happened during the WW2 generation is right up there with what's going on today. A lot of men fought in WW2 only to come home and be henpecked by their nagging wives until they eventually made widows of them. Cuckery happened. The 1950's you see on TV is BS

@BHG Well my point Is that you can show offensive ads by Today's standards. I understand that even The 50's we're gynocetrism too but a least men have their spaces AND can act like men AND talk like men without worries Losing their Jobs or lose everything in The divorce raped industrial.

@VeganMGTOW agreed. Even stuff that aired in the 1990's would be edgy by today's standards.

I just get a kick out of how tradcons think the 1950's was a paragon of wholesome family values. It has gotten a lot worse, but I heard some stuff that would make even modern degenerates blush. I compared notes with some of friends from high school, too, out of curiosity and they heard similar stories from their grandparents / great uncles/aunts. Divorce law was the only thing that was better then.

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