Every day my life be like:

"Haha you thought the government wouldn't ignore stagflation and double down, causing the entire financial system to collapse while driving all the commodities producers in the world into the arms of BRICS.

You said the government wouldn't keep rates above 5% because it would cause the interest payments on the debt to force debt monetization and hyperinflation.

But the government did all of those things and the world hasn't presently ended. What do you have to say?"

@Tfmonkey Cause All Goverment are working toguether GAZA protester are paid actors, Gaza conflict is fake, All this is to create a satanic ritual to sacrifice the men that join the military that Will be the only real deaths.


Alright bro, can you stop with this mental masturbation?

There are actual fucking children being killed by Jews. If you don’t care because they are Arabs, understand that after they kill all Arabs they are coming for you.

Kikes believe that their messiah will make them rule the world. Because four thousand years ago bunch of desert dogs wrote a book called the bible.

If you don’t support Arabs destroying the Jewish empire like the protesters then at least STFU. Don’t help Jews!


@Indignation You got into their trap the same way Ben Shapiro that was screaming about beheaded babies.

You are now doing the same with the other side media have the narrative For both sides normies and red Pill

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